In a secular view such as ours, art, in its various forms, is a free expression generated by the irrational human reality, also called unconscious imagination, of the artist.

Art is a child of the time in which it is born, that is, of the relationship the artist makes with existing historical thought. The work of art is the result of a search or synthesis between the artist’s creativity and the rest of the world around him or her both human and nonhuman, such as the landscape and the environment.
The manifestation of what has been mentioned also emerges in primitive art.
The wonder that assails us as we see the beauty that emanates from images drawn on rock with colors and rudimentary tools, such as those discovered in 2013 in the Chauvet caves in France, has confirmed that art, beauty, and creativity are not bound to time but to the healthy unconscious qualities of human beings for more than 30000 years.
Still following the thread of research, among the many things read and studied, one “repetitive” behavior in particular struck us, and that is why Art has always been “spoils of war”. Rationally for a celebratory value of the supremacy and greatness of the victor over the vanquished and not least the historical and economic value of the works but, perhaps unconsciously there is more. That is, wanting to enslave a people, erasing their freedom, history, pride, and collective identity, thus erasing their ability to create art and experience beauty, which may seem “useless” like culture, but is the mirror of civilization and healthy human reality that makes people feel good.

This is the universal value of art, its enormous importance, and for these reasons over time the idea of the protection of cultural heritage and works of art has been generated in both war and peace. Particularly in Italy, where the very rich historical and artistic heritage began to be protected as early as 1515 when Raphael Sanzio, not without controversy with regard to the papacy in his view guilty of having perpetrated over time various despoliations of important ancient Roman monuments, was appointed Commissioner of the Antiquities of Rome by Pope Leo X who understood the value of the concept of Conservation envisaged by Raphael. Concept that evolving over time landed in 1948 in Art. 9 of our beautiful Constitution.

How the ART section was born.

Officially, the art section of the association was born in 2010; history, however, tells us about an event, absolutely original, organized on June 15, 2007 at the cloister of Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza in Rome, titled “DiversIvo Notturno”-a show of sounds lights and colors. This multidisciplinary event combined music and art: namely, concert for two pianos performed by pianists Lucia Adelaide Di Nicola and Lorenzo Porta del Lungo with simultaneous projection on the cloister walls of works by artists Valentina Fabi, Chiara Giosia, Maurizio Gaudenzi and Thomas Spielmann.

And this was the fertile soil from which the Sound and Image Onlus Association with related sections would be born shortly after.

In particular, the art section promotes all those art forms referable to the field of visual arts such as painting, graphic art, textile art, photography, sculpture and architecture.