Privacy Policy

The Sound and Image Association, henceforth ‘Association’, based in Rome via Courmayeur, 21 C.F. 97541690588, P.IVA 13128831008, Pec:, E-mail:, as the Personal Data Controller, pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter: “Regulation”), provides this notice pursuant to Art. 13 of the Regulations (hereinafter “Disclosure”).

We therefore urge you, before transmitting any Personal Data to the Controller, to read this Policy carefully: it contains important information about the processing of your Personal Data. “Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”); an identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, with particular reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or one or more characteristic elements of his or her physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity.
The Holder can be contacted at:
The processing carried out by the Association is governed by the principles of lawfulness, fairness, transparency, purpose limitation and storage, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.

The Personal Data being processed

We inform you that the Association will process your Personal Data that may be constituted:
For members/adherents:
  • by an identifier such as first name, last name, social security number, vat number, residence, domicile, location of place of work, e-mail address, PEC, telephone number;
  • from payment data and/or other banking information, for example contained in receipts of Payment of membership fees to the Association or to organized events and projects.
For non-members/sympathizers/friends of the Association:
  • first name, last name, age;
  • Telephone number or e-mail address.
Personal data requested for consent regarding newsletters, will be kept until the time of the user’s request for cancellation of service, subject to the deletion of the newsletter service by the Association, which will result in the simultaneous cancellation Of personal data pertaining to the above use.

Purpose of processing

The intended data processing may have the following purposes:
  1. Deliver and provide feedback for the following services:
    • Generic request for information;
    • Association membership and management of the membership relationship;
    • Collection and analysis of resumes for purposes of collaboration or membership in the Association;
    • Promotion and management of donations and sponsorships, or subscriptions to its initiatives concert performances and publishing and scientific products;
    • Membership in initiatives, events (music, theater, culture/art, publishing) or more generally in projects organized by the Association;
    • Sharing of content on the site;
    • Publication of pictures, video and audio of events (including in-person) organized by the Association;
    • Registration of events organized by the Association held remotely on online platforms (such as by way of example Zoom, etc.) with subsequent publication on the Association’s website ( and when interacting with the pages of social networks in use by the Association, on the Sound and Image Youtube channel. (, on the page Facebook(
    • Newsletter subscription by e-mail, message or whatsapp (individual or broadcast).
  2. To fulfill any legal, accounting and tax obligations;
  3. assert or defend rights in court, in case of abuse in the use of the Site and/or Services disbursed or for contractual or non-contractual litigation. Processing will be carried out through manual or electronic activities.

Basis of legitimacy of processing

The Association processes data for the following purposes:
  1. Relations with Association members
    1. enrollment management
    2. managing relationships with associates
      1. via e-mail
      2. via cell phone messages
      3. via whatsapp (individual or broadcast)
    3. Fulfilment of obligations related to membership dues
    4. Management of statutory activities.
  2. Registration, management and participation in events:
    1. Registration for events of a public nature organized by the Association;
    2. Enrollment in specific training courses or events;
    3. Payment of any participation fees;
    4. Possible management and recording of audio and video footage related to events;
    5. Possible handling of personal images that may have been collected during the events.
  3. Newsletter:
    1. via e-mail
    2. via whatsapp (individual or broadcast)
The absence of the data and/or any express refusal to process them for the points 1. and 2. will result in The inability of the Owner to allow you access to and participation in events and/or projects organized and/or managed by the Association. The processing of members’ data for the above purposes is. necessary and therefore not subject to consent. For item 3., refusal will result in not receiving information about events organized by the Association. You may decide not to provide your consent or to change or revoke it at any moment by sending an appropriate e-mail to, merely by indicate in the subject line: Revocation of Consent.


Data will be processed using electronic or otherwise automated means, In the manner and by appropriate means to ensure the security and confidentiality of such data. In in particular, specific technical, organizational and procedural security measures are observed, in so that the appropriate level of data protection is guaranteed, to prevent data loss, the Illegal or incorrect uses and unauthorized access.
Data are processed only by authorized personnel of the processing, according to the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency, relevance, and non-excessiveness with respect to the purposes of collection and subsequent treatment.

Recipients of the Data Subject’s Personal Data

The Data Subject’s Personal Data may be shared with:
  1. Employees and collaborators of the Holder in their capacity as authorized persons by the Association to the processing of Personal Data (or so-called “processors”);
  2. Persons, entities or authorities, autonomous data controllers, to whom it is mandatory to communicate the related Personal Data by virtue of provisions of the law or orders of the authorities;
  3. Third parties individuals who carry out activities on behalf of the functional owner to the organization of the events, in their capacity as data controllers;
  4. Initiative partners.

Data retention

Personal Data will be processed as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes on indicated and in any case within the ordinary limitation period.
There may be an interest and need for the Association to maintain images and photos on its website for even longer than the ten-year term. In this regard, it is of necessity to sketch certain profiles of precipitous moment that oversee the genesis of the Association’s name.
“Sound and Image,” lies in the transversality that the concept of “image” takes on the entire association activity pursued. Image as an integral part of the history of the Association.
Evidently such an extension for such an extended period, aimed at keep published images and/or photos on the official website, is aimed at enhancing important institutional contributions achieved.

Transfer of data abroad when using platforms for live streaming or For the provision of training and information content and materials

The Association normally does not transfer Personal Data abroad. However, it uses social channels (Facebook, Zoom, Youtube) that could result in data being transferred abroad Where the servers of the said platforms are located in territories outside the EU. In such situations, the Data processing will be subject to the consent of the data subject.
Regarding the events organized by the association that are open to the public, recordings and videos will be made during the events, which will be uploaded and shared on the following platforms that may have servers resting on non-EU territories:
  • youtube channel
  • facebook page
  • instagram page
  • Zoom
Specific information of this circumstance will be given to enrollees at the time of enrollment or upon entry where in attendance.

Rights of data subjects

The rights that can be exercised at any time by the Data Subject against the Data Controller:
  • Right of access: To obtain confirmation as to whether or not a processing of Personal Data is taking place that concern you and, if so, receive information regarding, in particular, the following: purpose of processing, categories of Personal Data processed and retention period, recipients to which these may be communicated (Article 15, GDPR)
  • Right of rectification: To obtain, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate Personal Data that The concern and integration of incomplete Personal Data (Article 16, GDPR)
  • Right to erasure: Obtain, without undue delay, the erasure of Personal Data concerning you, in the cases provided for in the GDPR (Article 17, GDPR)
  • Right to limitation of processing: Obtain from the Data Controller the limitation of processing, in cases provided for in the GDPR (Article 18, GDPR)
  • Right to data portability: To receive in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format automated device, the Personal Data concerning you provided to the Data Controller as well as obtain that the same are transmitted to another owner without hindrance in the cases provided for by the GDPR (Article 20, GDPR)
  • Right to object: To object to the processing of Personal Data concerning you, unless. there are legitimate reasons for the Controller to continue processing (Article 21, GDPR)
  • Right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority: file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority for the Protection of Personal Data. Information and contact details at
  • Requests, which will be processed/executed within a maximum of 30 days, should be addressed in writing to the Holder in the following ways:
  • by writing to the “Sound and Image Onlus” Association, based in Rome via Courmayeur, 21;
  • by sending an e-mail to the e-mail box


This privacy policy is published on 01/15/2021. The Association reserves the right to change or simply update its content, in part or in full, including due to changes in applicable regulations.
The Association will inform Interested Persons of such changes as soon as they are introduced and they will be binding as soon as they are posted on the Site. The Association therefore invites Interested Persons to visit this section regularly to take cognizance of the most recent and up-to-date version of the privacy policy so as to be always updated on the data collected and the Association’s use of it.