Eliseo Classical for Antarctica

The project Eliseo Classical for Antarctica was carried out by the Sound and Image Association between November 2012 and May 2013, at the Eliseo Theater of Rome, in collaboration with theENEA, the National Antarctic Museum and the National Geographic Italy, with the main objective of promoting the dissemination of culture, art and music through artistic-cultural…


Light, Gravity and Music!

Light, Gravity and Music! On Thursday, Nov. 25, 1915 , in a lecture at the Prussian Academy, 36-year-old Albert Einstein presented the famous Equation of General Relativity, preceding the great mathematician David Hilbert by a few days and formulating a new theory of gravitation capable of upsetting the very concepts of Space and Time.Exactly 100…


Los Ymposibles

Nueva España, present-day Mexico, was in the seventeenth century an extraordinary meeting point of very different cultures and traditions, that of the Spanish and Portuguese colonizers, that of the American Indians, and that of the slaves brought in droves from Africa. This state of affairs produced a most peculiar combination of languages, music, rhythms, instruments,…


Drugs – Naples Bellini Theater

A text that with an innovative approach helps children understand the causes of a malaise that mysteriously appears and which they think they control through substance use. Altering their feelings, in order not to experience the pain resulting from disappointing human relationships, they seek well-being in ephemeral and sometimes deadly paradises. The presentation of the…


Drugs – Vaccheria Nardi

I. Vol. of the Daphnis and Chloé series. Vaccheria Nardi Library – Rome A new presentation of the valuable Volume Drugs, Use Abuse and Addiction of the Daphnis and Chloé Series. In the Vaccheria Nardi Library setting, speakers include Ludovica Costantino, psychiatrist and psychotherapist Dori Montanaro, psychologist and psychotherapist Roberta Provvedi, biologist, associate professor at…
